New deliverable! The review of pre-demolition tools and resources has been published

FCRBE has published the report "Review of existing pre-demolition tools, policies, resources for identifying, quantifying and organizing the reclamation of reusable elements.“

This report has been drafted as part of one of the three thematic work packages of the FCRBE project, which aims to foster the reclamation of reusable building elements from the building stock.

The report collects examples and illustrations coming from different professional practices in which the assessment of the reuse potential in existing buildings plays an important role or is supported.

This collection of examples of practices and tools is a first step towards the development of an open-source and common method to assess reusable building elements, and organize their extraction from to-be-transformed buildings.

Although the review is mostly focused on the project area (Belgium, France, United-Kingdom), it also illustrates other contexts (Luxembourg, Netherlands, Seattle, Switzerland) in which subject-related mandatory procedure exist.

You can access the report by clicking on the link below.

Review of existing pre-demolition tools, policies and resources

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