School of Re-Construction postposed to summer 2021

Due to the uncertainty around the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the School of Re-construction (SoR-c) summer school will be postponed until summer 2021.

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted an application. We have informed each person who applied in 2020 of the change in plans. We will send each of you confirmation of the new dates and contact you to find out whether you are still interested in being considered in 2021 (those who were eligible in 2020 will be eligible in 2021 regardless if they are studying or not). We will update all NWE universities of this announcement and we will be in touch to ask them to promote the SoR-c Summer School when a new date is announced and applications will re-open in February 2021.

All information on the Summer School is still available here.

Thank you once again for your interest in the Summer School and your patience in these uncertain times.

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