HAZEL Hydrogen enabled zero emissions supply chains by Paul McCormack

Hydrogen enAbled Zero Emissions suppLy chains


To decarbonise Europe, clean renewable power production must become the main source of energy. Building on the empirical work of GenComm the project team have assembled the HAZEL consortium. This main aim of this group is to develop Power to X solutions for green hydrogen. An estimated increase in offshore wind capacity in Europe from  22 GW today to 240 440 GW by 2050  presents a huge opportunity for a new European Fossil Free Energy Equation.

 The consortium consists of 10 beneficiaries including Belfast Met,  Ulster University, NUI Galway, Dublin City University, University Wales, University Slovenia, University Saarland, IECEE – Macedonia, IZES – Germany, CNR-ITM Italy and TU Graz Austria. This is complemented with 10 industrial partners including Bosch, RYSE, Bamford Bus, Gas networks Ireland, Energia, Mebius, Zentgraf, AVL.Iresen, S&K Luxembourg and Mecadi GMBH.

HAZEL has 15 highly innovative projects in the Green H2 sector, implementing Hydrogen technologies with technical focus on the 4 component areas of Green H2 Production, Safety, Sustainability, Application & Use. These projects cover the entire H2 spectrum from enhanced production, innovative fuel cells, electrolysers, valves, health & safety, h2 modelling, sensors and investment support tools.

 This is an industrial led H2 portfolio of 15 interlinked projects, building an EU wide innovation and entrepreneurial network from Macedonia to Ireland. HAZEL will also train a new generation of  creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers in the field of implementing renewable Hydrogen as an energy vector, reinforced with the skills to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. The project will exploit complementary competences of the participating industrial and academic organisations enabling the sharing of knowledge through networking activities, summer schools, secondments, placements, workshops and conferences primarily focused on scientific and technological knowledge through research on individual, personalised and team based projects.

HAZEL is a industry focussed model, one with the depth, rigour and focus of a conventional research while also delivering a commercially competitive research student by embedding innovative, entrepreneurial training modules and peer to peer learning in the mix. It enhances the R&D model through continuous innovation and entrepreneurship training, master classes and summer schools, thus improving embedded intrapreneurship in the industrial partner organisations.

As part of this work the consortium will be hosting monthly webinars to highlight and demonstrate the technical, commercial and social value of hydrogen in the power to x equation.

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