Hydrogenics sees need for regulatory framework
At the recent partner meeting in Brussels Denis Thomas, EU Regulatory Affairs and Business Development Manager, Renewable Hydrogen spoke on hydrogenics. The title of his presentation was ‘Hydrogen in the Energy transition from niche to mainstream, the way forward’.
In terms of the world hydrogen market, 96% of the hydrogen produced today is not CO2 free from gas, oil and coal. If produced from renewable power via electrolysis, hydrogen is fully renewable and CO2 free.
Mr Thomas was able to point out how hydrogen complements the direct use of electricity in transport for demanding applications. He gave a projected development of hydrogen fuel cells by transporatation segment in 2050. The projected stock in 2050 of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles as percentage of total fleet at year end by vehicle type was outlined including 50% plus for buses and coaches.
Hydrogen providers were discussed including electrolysers and power systems using fuel cell solutions.
The main pieces of EU legislation affecting the development of hydrogen markets in Europe between 2021-2030 were discussed. These are: the Renewable Energy Directive II, the Clean Mobility Package and the Gas Package.
For the use of hydrogen to develop further there is a need for a regulatory framework according to Mr Tomas. This framework needs to create the economic conditions for several business cases to emerge in transport, industry and heating.