First Partner Meeting

Green WIN’s fist project meeting was held on 12 and 13 November 2018 in Paris.

In total 18, from the 6 partners as well as one of the associated partner,  attended the meeting.

During this first day, the structure of the project was clarified, with appointment of work package leaders, general administration (Finance, eMS, First level controller, etc) and timetable and deadlines were discussed.
A more technical discussion on tests and trials took place, with a series of action items being agreed by all partners, with a  view to confirm the design with drawings and start the build of test bench in January 2019. A technical sub-group conference call or meeting was agreed with a date to be confimed.

The second day focussed more on the SME's involvement in the project, the set up of a 'Greener Waterways Network' as well as the communication package. A communication sub-group conference call is to follow.

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