International H4.0E Steering Group Meeting in Delft

Technical University Delft, Delft, Netherlands

1 July 2019 - 2 July 2019

The international H4.0E partnership will reconvene in Delft, Netherlands this July for a Housing 4.0 Energy Steering Group meeting hosted by partner TU Delft. All partners will discuss what is going on generally in the project and focus on the deliverables of the coming period. The focus of the meeting will be on the progress and exchange of information and best practices in the four H4.0E pilots presented by 3CEA, EIfI-Tech, Province of Flemish-Brabant and the Municipality of Almere. Another part of the meeting will be dedicated to the upcoming work packages with updates from each partner.

In addition, a significant amount of time will be set aside to discuss the upcoming training modules for the construction industry - for the H4.0E platform users and for the inhabitants of the H4.0E homes - as well as the digital training packages. This will be led by South West College (SWC), but will require input from all of the four pilot partners as well as from Open Systems Lab (OSL), who is developing the platform.

First steps in the ambassador programme (part of the project's Long Term Work Package) will be taken in order to ensure the distribution of the project output and the lessons learned to relevant stakeholders in the construction industry and on the political level. TU Delft will also provide a tour to The Green Village, an  innovation site where new technologies in the field of sustainable energy provision, water and waste systems will be tested and applied in a real life environment.

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