3CEA’s H4.0E Construction Workshop

On the 25th of May, 3 Counties Energy Agency (3CEA) in collaboration with South West College (SWC) presented a workshop on the construction principles of H4.0E.

This workshop covered the following H4.0E construction types:

  • fabric first approach,
  • low carbon material
  • wind, and airtightness
  • building supply systems

In addition, the workshop served to introduce the H4.0E Online Training Platform and explain how to use the platform/what needs to be done and achieved through the platform. The target audience for this event was the Irish construction industry.

A webinar was held following the training session so participants will be able to:

  • Identify the principles of H4.0E and nZEB
  • Understand the importance of H4.0E and its environmental benefits
  • Identify the 5 basic principles of High Performance dwelling
  • Identify low carbon building materials and their properties
  • Define Fabric First approach
  • Identify the benefits and functionality of low carbon heating systems
  • Understand the importance of airtight envelope and adequate ventilation systems
  • Gain knowledge on Renewable Energy Technologies


The H4.0E workshop also provided SWC and 3CEA with the opportunity to review the training materials and delivery based on feedback from the participants.

Our H4.0E partners hope to receive feedback from attendees to allow us the adjust our training material and delivery. Additionally, the conducted a critical review themselves and are beginning to plan adjustments to future trainings, which shall be held transnationally by project end.

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