Join us for our webinar on how to foster 4th generation district heating and cooling!

9 December 2019

4th generation district heating and cooling (4DHC) represents a smart city development opportunity: it provides a low-temperature distribution system that minimises heat loss, integrates energy storage and renewable energy sources, and supplies multiple low energy buildings. Its development is however complex and municipalities, developers can face several challenges. The HeatNet NWE project provides guidance for developers of such intelligent systems, based on the experience of 6 pilot cities.

After an update of the EU regulatory framework, this webinar will present the experience of Dublin City as well as the procurement guide. It is organised in the framework of the HeatNet NWE project (co-funded by the Interreg North-West-Europe programme) in cooperation with the European Covenant of Mayors.


Practical information:

You will receive the link to connect to the webinar once you have registered.

Date and time: 9th December / 11:00 - 12:00 CET



  • EU regulatory framework for 4DHC – Eva Hoos, Policy Officer, DG ENERGY
  • Transition roadmap of Dublin – John O’Shea, Energy Systems Analyst, CODEMA (Dublin’s Energy Agency)
  • The 4DHC Procurement guide – Julien Joubert, Project Management, Energy Cities

Reaction from Paul Voss, Managing Director, Euroheat & Power.

Moderation: Kristina Dely, Energy Cities

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