Meet HeatNet NWE Partners at the EuroHeat&Power Annual Congress on 8th May in Nantes (France)

Nantes, France

8 May 2019

The Euroheat & Power Congress focuses on topics related to District Energy. The congress provides a unique forum for discussing and enhancing knowledge on major issues for the European and Global District Energy sectors, including both technical and business approaches, from new developments in legislation and latest operational experiences, to the most recent technological developments, and fresh research results.

2 HeatNet NWE partners will present some insights of the HeatNet NWE project during this conference.

Donna Gartland, Strategic Sustainable Energy Planner for Codema and Director of the Irish District Energy Association, will participate in a session focused on emerging district heating markets.

Julien Joubert, working for Energy Cities on different projects related to energy systems, will participate in a session on heat planning.

You can meet them on 8th May in Nantes (France). If you want to have a look at the full programme of the Congress, please visit this webpage.

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