Target audience: Elected members and municipal technicians
This workshop is co-organised by HeatNet NWE Project and mPOWER Project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 785171.
Inspired by remunicipalisation initiatives all over Europe, an increasing number of local authorities are expanding their role, no longer simply acting as planning authorities but becoming operational stakeholders and driving forces for the local energy transition. New integrated municipal companies are increasingly being set up.
Allow yourself to be encouraged and inspired to become a proactive municipal actor. Take the opportunity to exchange your ideas with experienced municipal energy service providers and like-minded people.
We will present concrete examples from different EU countries to show how energy supply can be managed or owned by local authorities. We will provide a lot of space for small group work and peer-to-peer exchange.
You can download the agenda through the link below, which includes the description of the local energy companies presenting their experiences (Cadiz (Spain), Ettlingen (Germany), Heerlen (the Netherlands), Kalundborg (Denmark) and Nottingham (United-Kingdom)).