This document has been produced as part of HEATNET NWE to describe the transition to 4th Generation district heating and cooling (4DHC) within Aberdeen City.
In 2002, Aberdeen City Council created ‘Aberdeen Heat & Power’, a not-for-profit independent Company, to develop Combined Heat and Power schemes for the city. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a system whereby electricity is generated locally for sale and the heat emitted by the generator is captured and used to heat properties instead of being released into the atmosphere. The HeatNet NWE project in Aberdeen is developing a network connecting three council properties to an existing network containing three multi-storey properties. The network has been designed to meet the principals of 4DHC and is the first step in a long-term plan to transition to 4DHC.
The network will initially use gas boilers with smart controllers within each of the buildings. An Energy from Waste Plant is being built following legislation imposed by the Waste (Scotland) Act (2012) close to the Torry HeatNet NWE development. The Energy from Waste Plant will become the primary source of Heat for the HeatNet NWE project within Torry and the heat source will be used to replace the gas boilers installed for initial operation of the network. The Network will be expanded gradually in order to meet and connect to the established networks that exist within Aberdeen. This will be carried out as a phased process.
Download the roadmap to know more and be inspired!