On Saturday, 18th November 2023, Dr Liqun Feng from Fengtech was at the TimeWord Energy event in Paris. He did a conference titled “How efficient can a solar thermal system be in North-Western Europe?
Dr Feng presented the European ICARE4FARMS project and its 4 pilot sites. Focusing on the 1st French pilot site with two years of operation energy-saving results. Dr Feng also presented the results of modelling works from USB (University of South Brittany) and the PhD thesis of M. Julien Gambade which shows scientifically the efficiency of the Fengtech system.
How efficient can a solar thermal system be in North-Western Europe?
The European ICARE4FARMS project aims to stimulate the use of solar thermal energy on agricultural farms in North-Western Europe, in order to help reduce CO2 emissions and increase the share of renewable energies. The Fengtech system is a solar hot water production system patented by Fengtech. It is the technology selected by the European ICARE4FARMS project as next-generation solar thermal energy. The Fengtech system is a hybrid system that stores heat in the solar tanks and in the ground. It has its own system for managing overheating in summer and freezing in winter. We will present the ICARE4FARMS project and the results of one of the four pilot sites, which has been operational for two years.