IT4Anxiety: a human story

As we approach the end of our 4-year project, looking back on all the episodes of this adventure, we can ask ourselves the question, but in the end what was the point?

First of all, we have met the very specific objectives of the project. WP3 has set up an engaging training course on digital health reinforced by video modules to enable its export and sustainability over time. Nearly 3000 students and professionals have already benefited from this training created by the whole consortium. This training will continue to evolve and live on thanks to the HEPN continuing education team which will take over after the project.

Secondly, WP3 has established a job profile for a new profession, the e-health referent. This profile was shared with professionals in order to make this new profile live, which is essential for the successful and relevant implementation of digital health. WP3 has also facilitated the implementation of digital tools in institutions, participated in seminars and colloquiums, and closely monitored trainees, students and theses in order to go one step further in raising awareness of digital health.

Finally, beyond the very precise missions of the application form of the project, this project has allowed us to meet people. Working together for 4 years creates links! Whether by videoconference or face to face, we meet extraordinary people. Very rich and very dynamic personalities that we would never have met without this project, who form a synergy that takes the group further and further. The work sessions that end in the evening consolidate the consortium and create solid links that will lead to a continuation of the project.

Together, we share, we exchange, we compare, we debate on our way of living, of seeing things, we question ourselves and we make great strides forward. Looking outwards, seeing what our neighbours are doing, questioning what we have always done, allows us to evolve rapidly. This intense cultural immersion broadens the mind and even allows for introspection.  We are in contact with other habits, other personalities, which leads us to reflect on our own habits.

A lot of people from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and with different specific skills are now part of our repertoire. Nothing better to create new opportunities.

It's a human adventure that provokes encounters and leaves a mark on people's minds, it doesn't leave anyone indifferent.

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