Our first Hackathon is coming very soon !

Already on the 18th and 19th March, you can join the historically first IT4Anxiety hackathon organised by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the remaining Dutch partners of the project, BrainScan and Sentimentics, sitting at home with a cup of tea (or any other preferred beverage). It has not always been planned like this, however. Originally, the first hackathon was supposed to take place in autumn 2020 in France and the Netherlands would take over with the second event. Nevertheless, due to the pandemic we were forced to improvise: in the end, our hackathon is taking place completely online. We know that most of us cannot wait to meet in person again, but let’s look at the bright side: this format allows us to connect with colleagues from all over the world, as well as with those who could not afford to travel to the event due to time pressure. So, let’s make the most of it! Get ready to meet 6 brilliant, creative start-ups fighting for the hackathon prize and to spend a great one-and-a-half day with specialists and innovators in eMental health!

The 6 start-ups that will participate at the VU Hackathon Battle are:

- Psyflix


- Mindreality


- Tooloba


- SuperPow


- AAA Research

(They have no website yet)

- Psylaris


Our Jury members will be:

Join us and listen to the start-ups’ pitches! Register under the following link: VU Hackathon Battle Tickets | Eventbrite.

Joint directly our Hackathon on the 18th March 2021 at 3:15PM by following the link : Amsterdam Hackathon 

As our jury’s chairman, Remco Hoogendijk, said:

„It’s very rewarding to [witness] all that energy and to learn what has been came up with and all the creativity.“


The IT4Anxiety Team

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