Participate at our IMAGINE study !

Call for action:  Participate in the IMAGINE study!

The IMAGINE study conducted within the IT4Anxiety project (coordinated by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health (WHOCC) in Lille, France) aims to describe and analyse the use, acceptance, needs, and representations of users of new technologies for anxiety management.

The study is aimed at all stakeholders: People living with and/or dealing with anxiety, care providers, and health professionals.

The participation of 6 partners of the IT4Anxiety project (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Scotland (UK), Northern Ireland (UK), France) allows for an international study to be carried out, and an analysis of the factors linked to the development and use of new technologies in mental health. The data collection consists of focus groups in each of the partner countries, and the dissemination of a survey.

You are invited to participate by filling out the survey, click here!

Attention, the survey is online and available in the following countries for now: Belgium, Netherlands, Scotland, and France (Northern Ireland and Germany will launch the data collection in the first part of next year).

If you have any questions regarding the IMAGINE study, please contact Anna-Paulina Ewalds Mulliez at WHOCC Lille at

Thank you for your participation! 

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