LOGiC presents at G-STIC 2018


To reach the SDGs, we need to pay as much or even more attention to local energy communities as to the central energy system. Both parts of the system are not to be considered in competitive sense but need to be matched. In this context we define energy positive communities as: Neighbourhoods, villages, districts or even cities that are actively involved in the development of their own energy system based on renewable energy and integrated in the broader energy system.

The question is not: what is the value of the electricity sold, but what is the value of an additional child educated by providing affordable electricity, what is the value of an additional patient treated in a local hospital by providing reliable electricity. It is about integrating services, services for energy, health, food, water, waste etc.

What is the key success factor for energy positive communities?

The key success factor for energy positive communities is bringing together two worlds: the world of the big energy infrastructures (based on the national energy plans) on one side and the world of the local energy initiatives on the other side.

LOGiC Presentation at G-STIC 2018:

In the context of this debate, ARE Policy & Business Development Manager, David Lecoque presented lessons learnt from the LOGiC project to a wide audience at G-STIC on 29 November 2018.

David especially highlighted the LOGiC project in Texel, which provides hybrid renewable energy to waste management facility, while also putting into context the importance of productive use of renewable energy is less developed countries.

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