Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter at a time when the news hits us with wars, fear and despair, with only an occasional glimmer of light. The climate crisis is also far from over, but the movement dedicated to tackling this challenge is growing. Its voice is getting louder, its voice is being heard. Energiesprong feels part of this global movement. We know that we can’t solve such a big problem all at once, we have to take small steps. With our everlasting efforts we are taking these small steps, with heart and soul.
In this newsletter you can, therefore, read about our new projects. About how we are steadfastly investing in retrofitting homes to the net zero standard, about how our bandwidth is broader than just construction. Let’s also include our neighbourhoods, our schools, our private homeowners, as well as bio-based materials, and let’s check out giga ways of scaling up. We are doing everything we can to get our homes off fossil fuels because how can we, together, limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees? Living as climate friendly as possible, worldwide, that’s how we can do it.
That’s what we do it for. Will you join us? Read the newsletter here!
Team Energiesprong Global Alliance