Marine Energy Alliance opens second call for applications

The aim of MEA is to progress the technical and commercial maturity level of early-stage (TRL 3 – 4) marine energy technology companies with the overall goal of reducing the risk of device failure in subsequent demonstration phases.

Are you looking for support? Get yourself prepared and join MEA in its aim to build an alliance to connect early stage marine energy developers with investors and supply chain industry.

After the first successful call, in which 22 companies were awarded, MEA is very much looking forward to new companies joining the alliance.

Several of the awarded companies, Teamwork Technology, Ocean Grazer, Technology from Ideas, DHV Turbines, Water2Energy, Heliorec, Jostpa, Development v Kim Nielsen were able to showcase their innovations during Offshore Energy 2019.

Who can send in an application?

Are you an early stage marine energy developer (TRL3/4)? Would your company benefit from free technical and commercial services? Do you want to connect to investors and supply chain? If yes, then MEA can offer you the following:

Technical services:

  • Test planning and result interpretation,
  • Numerical simulation validation,
  • Technical design optimisation,
  • Cost of system assessment,
  • Investment.

Commercial services:

  • Unique Selling Point definition,
  • Business case development,
  • Commercial strategy development,
  • Launching customer identification,
  • Funding strategy.

What is it about?

Via MEA, selected marine energy technology companies will receive a suite of tailored expert services that will enable them to realize their ambitions and, more broadly, contribute to the coherent growth of the marine energy industry in general. MEA is a 4 year European Territorial Cooperation project running from May 2018 to May 2022.

The project has a total budget of €6 million and is supported by Interreg North West Europe, who provides €3.6 million of ERDF funding.

Through participation in MEA, companies will gain access to the project partners’ world-leading expertise in marine energy development. Awarded companies will have the chance to work closely together with a transnational team of marine energy experts on both the technical advancement of their technology, as well as the development of their commercial strategy and business plans.

Each service offer is intended to put the company’s technology and business firmly on the road towards successful commercialization.

Awarded companies

Mocean Energy, Open Ocean Energy, Teamwork Technology, Technology from Ideas TFI, EEL Energy, Jospa, GKinetic Energy, Swirl Generators, Fishflow Tidal Power, Ocean Grazer, Benson Engineering, HelioRec, Centipod, Water2Energy, Development v. Kim Nielsen, DHV Turbines, Pure Marine Gen, Sea Wave Energy, EVER (Energies des Vagues Et Renouvelables), WaveForce Energy and Sea Energies Innealtóireacht Teoranta.

Timeline for the Second Call for Applications

The Call for Applications is open until February 14, 2020. Access to the MEA service offering is awarded to companies via a two-stage application process.

Stage 1 of the application process requests the applicant to submit an online Expression of Interest that can be submitted via the MEA project website.

Stage 2 involves a 30-minute remote (online) interaction involving a brief pitch (5 – 10 minutes) followed by a Q&A session conducted by representatives of MEA.

Successful Stage 2 applicants are invited to design a tailored Service Offer that will be implemented by the company and MEA in a joint effort.

More on MEA

The MEA consortium includes the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC), European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI), Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Exceedence, INNOSEA, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, the University of Edinburgh, and communications partner Navingo.

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