Having concluded exhaustive studies and tests on the Waveline Magnet (WLM) technology at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) Test Facility, with Marine Energy Alliance (MEA) and industry leaders, it is clear that the technology displays tangible potential solving the decades-old enigma of wave energy. SWEL is incredibly grateful to MEA and partners for providing, assisting, and coordinating this complex process, paving the way for its passionate team to carry the technology forward. Poised to shake the energy industry, it has been demonstrated that the WLM can produce an abundance of mechanical power for the conversion processes of electricity, hydrogen and desalination, not ignoring its applicability to fish farming and coastal erosion protection. Based on its unique working principle, SWEL is now challenging the current theory of wave power.
“The standard characterisation of wave power routes back to Archimedes' principle of buoyancy and displacement theory. This however is just one part of the process, the upwards force on a displaced body. As a result of the unique interaction of the WLM with the waveline, SWEL has uncovered a new eureka, bringing the Archimides theory full circle by incorporating the opposite downward force and the neutral interaction. SWEL has branded its hypothesis as the “Neutral Displacement Theory” (NDT), redefining the theory of wave energy and uncovering the remaining pieces of the puzzle to reveal the true mechanics of wave power, challenging the current standards and methods used for characterising and harnessing the power of the wave.”
One single WLM will be rated at over 100MW in energetic environments by applying the NDT. Equally as impressive is the ability of the WLM to increase power production as wavelengths increase, producing volumes of power on large scales, by more than 10 times the comparable standard methods used. The next steps towards commercialisation require final tests on a pilot model, costing a fraction of the typical development budgets required by other technologies, to verify SWELs NDT against the standard and effectively projecting the system loads and behavior. This will facilitate the design of the first commercial system.
SWEL is now seeking strategic alliances and partnerships to place the WLM technology on the forefront of renewable energy production, for the world to benefit, solving the current energy crisis.