Final Meeting of the Interreg NWE-REGENERATIS project

Tour Pacific La Défense 11/13 Cours Valmy, 92800 PUTEAUX, FRANCE

12 May 2023

The final NWE-REGENERATIS workshop will take place in Paris on May 12. This workshop is the culmination of a series of successful events that have been held as part of the NWE-REGENERATIS project. The workshop will run alongside the NICOLE Spring Workshop Paris 2023, which is being organized by the Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe (NICOLE).

The NWE-REGENERATIS project has been running for almost 4 years now, and it has brought together leading researchers, academics, and professionals from around North Western Europe to discuss the latest developments in the field of land and materials resource recovery. The final workshop will provide a platform for the project team to showcase their research findings and share their experiences with other professionals in the field. The workshop will include keynote speeches, presentations, and panel discussions on a range of topics related to resource recovery from Past Metallurgical Sites and Deposits. The event will also provide an opportunity for attendees to network and engage with experts in the field along the NICOLE members too.

The final workshop will take place at Tour Pacific La Défense 11/13 Cours Valmy, 92800 PUTEAUX, FRANCE, which is located in the heart of Paris.


REGENERATIS project – 3-steps methodology on how to recover raw materials from former industrial sites – case study of Duferco site, Belgium


  1. Brief overview of NWE-REGENERATIS project – SPAQUE
  2. Site screening to evaluate the site potential for materials recovery – ATRASOL
  3. Innovative identification and characterization of metallurgical residues from a former industrial site using geophysical imaging and resource distribution model – UNIVERSITY OF LIÈGE
  4. How to take smart decisions to launch materials recovery project on your site? SMARTIX: a decision support tool based on artificial intelligence – SPAQUE
  5. How to develop a business case for materials recovery? – ATRASOL
  6. Materials recovery processes: mineral and metal recovery, hydro- and bio-metallurgy techniques, eco-catalyst production – CENTRE TERRE ET PIERRE, MATERIALS PROCESSING INSTITUTE, CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY, IXSANE
  7. Lessons learned and wrap-up – SPAQUE


12:45 – 14:30 Networking lunch

We hope that you will be able to join us for this exciting event.

About NICOLE Spring Workshop 2023

1. NICOLE Spring Workshop 2023 (preliminary) workshop program

The NICOLE Spring Workshop 2023 will take place on the 11th & 12th of May in Paris, France.
During this workshop, we will focus on showcasing ‘state of the art’ site characterization and sustainable land management tools and practice.

The (preliminary) workshop program is available and can be downloaded through the button below.


>>Workshop program


2. Workshop registration

NICOLE Members

As NICOLE Members, you can register for the Working Group Day, the Workshop Days and the Conference Dinner via the NICOLE Community Portal.

When you log into the NICOLE Community Portal, you will find the link for the registration on the dashboard.

You have not yet activated your account on the NICOLE Community Portal yet? You can activate your account by clicking on 'Sign-up' and filling in the form. Your account will be active within 24 hours. 


3. Hotel recommendations

You can download an overview with hotel recommendations for the NICOLE Spring Workshop 2023.

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