Ocean DEMO - Demonstration Programme for Ocean Energy Pilot Farms and Supporting Technologies

Project Summary

The existing terrestrial supply for renewables is already market-driven, whereas Ocean Energy (OE)  is untapped. Having advanced single device OE deployments,  FORESEA has identified a key market failure relating to the first multi-device OE farms; this is the point when risks and capital requirements are highest, hence market intervention is now most needed to realise the NWE OE potential.
Ocean DEMO will address this market failure via 3 key elements:

  • Prove investability with investors by demonstrating and de-risking the most promising OE generating technologies in multi-device farm configuration.
  • Develop an active supply chain that invests in dedicated OE sub-systems and components.
  • Create a supportive policy environment for OE by providing governments with confidence in OE and highlighting OE's economic benefits.


  • Demonstrate investability of OE with at least 15 investors that provide debt and project finance to raise awareness & promote the uptake of OE.
  • Create a more active and invested supply chain to help reduce technical risk of OE and advance the TRL of dedicated OE sub-systems and components.
  • Establish political support for a supportive policy environment that will encourage production of ocean energy in NWE.  These will most likely be in Ireland, UK, the Netherlands, France and Belgium as this is where the majority of the NWE resource is located.


  • Operation of 2 OE deployments in multi-device farm configuration in NWE connected to the European electricity grid. 
  • Advance 15 cross cutting low carbon technologies to near to commercial readiness.  
  • Supportive policy environment for OE in at least 3 member states in NWE.

Long-term effects

  • 500m EUR of private funds invested into OE deployment farm deployments
  • 20 dedicated OE products 
  • 100MW of OE installed capacity

Project Partners

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
European Marine Energy Centre Old Academy, Stromness, Orkney
United Kingdom
susan.learmonth@emec.org.uk www.emec.org.uk
Name Contact Name Email Country
Dutch Marine Energy Centre Benjamin Lehner benjamin@dutchmarineenergy.com Netherlands
BlueWise Marine (SmartBay Test Site) Mairéad Elliott mairead.elliott@bluewisemarine.ie Ireland
Ecole Centrale de Nantes Florent Jubé florent.jube@ec-nantes.fr France
Ocean Energy Europe Victor Kempf v.kempf@oceanenergy.eu Belgium


AWS wave energy converter arrives in Orkney for EMEC demo

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A new wave energy converter, developed by Inverness-based AWS Ocean Energy, has arrived in Orkney ahead of its imminent deployment at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC). The 16 kW Archimedes Waveswing arrived at Hatston Pier, Kirkwall on Tuesday evening, 25 January 2022, before being transported to Copland’s Dock in Stromness where it will be readied for deployment at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site in February. Read More

Ocean DEMO supports 6 developers at OEE2021

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The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project has awarded recommendations for support to 6 offshore renewable energy developers under its 4th call. The awards support developers on their path to commercialisation and ease the transition of ocean energy towards multi-device farms by providing free access to open sea test sites. This announcement comes at the start of the OEE2021 Conference & Exhibition, where attendees will learn more about the project at the Ocean DEMO stand and official side event. Read More

Mocean Energy Blue X wave machine completes sea trials

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Mocean Energy’s Blue X wave energy machine has returned to dock after a successful five-month test period at sea. In the last few days the 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine has been towed from EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site to Kirkwall and has been lifted onto Hatston Pier, where it will be cleaned, inspected, and maintained until next year’s testing programme commences. The innovative 10kW prototype began its test phase in mid-June and since then has completed 154 days at sea, delivering steady outputs of up to 5 kW and safe instantaneous peaks of 30 kW, and operating in sea states up to 2.3 meters maximum wave height. Read More

Interreg synergy for marine renewables - Accelerate your business with OPIN, MEA, FAN-BEST, BLUE-GIFT, Ocean DEMO, and AFLOWT

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Come and meet six Interreg projects related to Marine Renewable Energies at SEANERGY 2021, on the 23rd of September in Nantes, France. OPIN, MEA, Ocean DEMO, AFLOWT (Interreg North-West Europe) and BLUE-GIFT, FAN-BEST (Interreg Atlantic Arc) are pleased to announce their networking cocktail event and invite all interested parties to join! The reception will take place in the exhibition area of SEANERGY 2021, at the WEAMEC/Pays de la Loire booth from 4pm. Read More

Oceans of Energy’s offshore solar system has survived North Sea for 1.5 years

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On 15 July 2021, Oceans of Energy announces that its offshore solar system survived all storms in the past 18 months including storms Ciara, Dennis, Bella and Evert. This is an enormous milestone for the company and the energy sector, as it shows that the system is ready for the realization of combined offshore solar and wind projects creating 100 to 5.000 MW of offshore solar energy per project. Read More

SeaQurrent TidalKite test site ready at Ameland

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The Dutch company SeaQurrent® is developing an innovative sustainable tidal energy convertor, the TidalKite™. After several years and various scale model tests – at MARIN and in the Wadden Sea – a start has now been made with the full-scale demonstration of the TidalKite. Last week, the Borndiep test location was set up and now the grid connection to Ameland, a Dutch Wadden Island, is being realised. Read More

Mocean Energy Blue X wave machine starts sea trials at EMEC

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The prospect of generating clean energy from waves moved a step closer as Mocean Energy commenced testing of their Blue X wave energy prototype at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. In the last few days the 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine has been towed from Kirkwall to EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site where it has been successfully moored and commissioned for initial sea trials. Later this summer the Blue X will be moved to EMEC’s grid connected wave test site at Billia Croo on the west coast of Orkney, where it will go through its paces in more rigorous full sea conditions. Read More

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