PASSION-HF - PAtient Self-care uSIng eHealth In chrONic Heart Failure

Project Summary

Changing the care process is vital to maintain high quality care in heart failure (HF). HF is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases, affecting 3,600,000 people in NWE today and >5,000,000 in 2025 due to population ageing. HF care is expensive (>3,600 €/y pp) and provided by healthcare professionals only. The burden of HF on healthcare labour and costs is unsustainable. Patient self-care may solve the problem but is unsupported in the value chain. Current HF-eHealth products do not replace care, are stand-alone and add-ons to standard care rather than supporting patients in self-care. Next-gen eHealth providing decision support and actively involving HF-patients will reduce costs (50%) and improve quality of care. This provides huge business potential for the healthcare value chain.

The PASSION-HF consortium will jointly develop an integrated eHealth product called “Abby” enabling self-care of chronic HF including self-prescription of medication. It will include novel features such as a decision support engine, interactive physician avatar interface, serious gaming tools and self-learning feedback system. PASSION-HF will exploit this business potential by bringing the current TRL4 eHealth product to a TRL7 personalized web-based application within 43 months. This leads to an increased number of enterprises supported to introduce new healthcare products.


4 supported SMEs introducing 1 new to the market HF e-Health product in cooperation with research institutions, 10 jobs in the healthcare sector and the establishment of 1 new transnational innovation network.

Long-term effects

By year 5 at TRL 9, >20,000 patients in performing self-care in NWE with the system, 70% treatment decisions by the system, >16 SMEs supporting the treatment process, costs app. 1,800 €/y pp. By year 10, the system operational, >225,000 patients in NWE, 80% treatment decisions by the system, >30 SMEs supporting HF-treatment process, costs app. 1,000 €/y pp.

Animation movie

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Project Partners

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
Academisch ziekenhuis Maastricht 25 Debyelaan
Name Contact Name Email Country
Sananet Care B.V. Thom Hoedemakers Netherlands
Thomas More Kempen vzw Lieven De Maesschalck Belgium
Exploris AG Peter Ruff Switzerland
Nurogames GmbH Jens Piesk Germany
Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke Bettina Zippel-Schultz Germany
Queen’s University Belfast Lana Dixon United Kingdom
Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen Dr. Katharina Schuett Germany
University College Dublin prof. dr. Kenneth McDonald Ireland
Research & Innovation Management Services Frank Heemskerk Belgium
University of Suffolk Chantal Ski C.Ski@UOS.AC.UK United Kingdom


Meeting with European Heart Network

, Brussels

This event was in a billataral meeting between Mobilab as partner in the Passion-HF consortium and the Euopean Heart Network (EHN). The EHN is an association of foundations and national cardiological (patient) organisations. They exists for 25 years and has 25 members of which 14 are patient organisations. As an organisation they focuse mainly on the prevention of cardiological diseases and on the issues that cardiological patients are confronted with. They participate in various research platforms of patient organisations. We will keep in touch about the Interreg NWE Passion-HF project.
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This strong consortium is Lead by Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum (Maastricht UMC+) and consist of 9 partners from 6 countries.


Lead Partner Maastricht UMC+

This strong consortium is Lead by Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum (Maastricht UMC+). Maastricht UMC+ is a collaboration between the Maastricht University Hospital and the Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciense of the University of Maastricht. We distinguish ourselves nationally and internationally by focusing not only on health recovery, but also on health preservation and health promotion. Our core tasks - in addition to top referral and top clinical patient care - are scientific research, education and training, and valorisation. Maastricht UMC+ also provides basic care for the city and its environment. As such, we are ideally equipped, in cooperation with network partners, to provide care from zero to the third line, thus providing the right care in the right place. But also to investigate the effects of new care models.

The Project coordinator is Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Brunner-La Rocca

Thomas More University College

Mobilab & Care is a research group within Thomas More. Thomas More is the largest university of applied sciences in Flanders, offering more than 30 Dutch-taught and a range of English-taught bachelor degree programmes in the province of Antwerp. Mobilab & Care is a multidisciplinary centre of expertise. We carry out people-oriented, leading and innovative applied scientific research at the interface of care, welfare and technology. As a centre of expertise, we work together in a multidisciplinary way on the well-being of people. After all, care is our care. We improve the quality of life of people in need of care and support on a physical, psychological and social level. Our objective is to enable people to participate fully in society through prevention, rehabilitation and permanent support. We achieve this through social and technological innovations in the field of health (care) and well-being by setting up independent practice-based scientific research, by evidence-based care from a multidisciplinary perspective. To this end, we work closely with governments, the professional field and education (+end-user) at home and abroad. Our multidisciplinary team consists of 22 full-time equivalents, spread over 31 people. The team has all the necessary profiles such as: engineers, ICT, sociologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and orthopaedic technicians. In addition, different team members have two different and divergent diplomas (e.g.; combination of physiotherapist and ICT; engineer and psychologist). All projects are always followed up by a part of this multidisciplinary team.

Sananet Care B.V.

Sananet is an SME in the Netherlands. In our vision, the large-scale introduction of eHealth is crucial for the renewal of healthcare. Sananet's mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people with one or more chronic conditions by deploying eHealth solutions. Sananet focuses on the development of eHealth solutions, in particular the development of telemonitoring. These online guidance programs provide healthcare professionals with real-time insight into the well-being of their patients. They improve the quality of chronic care and make the relationship between patient and caregiver more personal and intense.

Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke

The Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke is a non-profit, independent foundation with the aim to support, develop and evaluate care programs to improve the care process of chronically ill patients. To reach our goals, we actively facilitates cooperation and networking between stakeholders, develops and implements concepts for patient-education, and empowerment, and promotes and realizes projects which focus on the optimization of health care structures and processes, including innovative technologies, such as telemedicine.

Exploris AG

Exploris is an SME and is a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) based eDiagnostics and eTherapeutics for clinical decision making. It is one of the first companies which has successfully passed clinical studies for novel diagnostic tests applied in clinical practice. The technology platform comprises of clinical data sources, knowledge and a proprietary software engine capable for detecting relevant patterns and dependencies in data and finding new predictive combinations of variables.

Nurogames GmbH

Nurogames is an independent games development company, founded in 2006 by experts of the games and media industry. Nurogamens covers a wide range of experience, comprising high-skill development for mobile and cross-platform games, serious games being our main activity. By participating in multiple research projects nationally and internationally, Nurogamens ensures long-term orientation and knowledge of state-of-the art technologies. Nurogames has large experience in research projects of the BMBF and the EU.

Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast is a centre of teaching excellence and innovative research. Queen's University Belfast is geographically, clinically and research linked to the BHSCT, a large regional trust encompassing primary and secondary care facilities, thereby promoting an efficient clinical interface. It offers a tertiary heart failure service to a population of 1200 patients, as well as those living in its locality. The heart failure service is consultant led with 8 heart failure nurses in secondary care and 2 within primary care.

Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen

Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen (UKA) is among the leading health care providers in Germany. UKA covers leading research and teaching at the integrated medical faculty together with high-end patient care. With respect to cardiovascular patient care UKA provides the entire spectrum ranging from primary patient care to end-stage cardiac patient care. UKA also provides networking with primary care cardiologists within the “Städteregion Aachen” which includes about 0.8 million inhabitants in rural and urban areas.

University College Dublin

University College Dublin is the largest academic institution in Ireland providing an environment for undergraduate and postgraduate research, education and innovative developments. From the view point of this grant the College is closely linked to two large University teaching hospitals in Dublin providing the necessary background administrative and structural supports for investigator-led and industry / consortia based research.

University of Suffolk

The University of Suffolk is all about transformation – transforming individuals, our community, our region and beyond. We have absorbed the best traditions in higher education and aligned them with the modern world of employment and entrepreneurship. We are a distinctive, thriving academic community making a clear and immediate impact. Our purpose is to change lives – of individuals and communities, for the better.


Research & Innovation Management Services

Research & Innovation Management Services bvba (RIMS) is an independent service company for international research collaborations, valorization and technology transfer, including help with administration and training in international research management.



Telemedicine in heart failure—more than nice to have?
Position Paper

This paper is published in open access

Leaflet Passion Project


Future perspective of heart failure care


Abstract EHMA Congres


Putting AI at the centre of heart failure care
Technological innovation in heart failure


Determinants of acceptance of patients with heart failure and their informal caregivers regarding an interactive decision-making system: a qualitative study
Heart failure patient and caregiver needs and expectations regarding self-management via digital health – the passion-HF project

Presentation with publication

paper in open acces

Understanding needs and expectations of heart failure patients and their caregivers regarding digital health - the PASSION-HF project
Towards a Medical Outcome Model Representing Appropriate Endpoints in Heart Failure Management

This presentation was given in august 2022 by Bianca Steiner at the Jahreskongress der Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e. V. (TMF)


Nursing heartfailure

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QUB publication


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Publication Knack


The changing role of patients, and nursing and medical professionals as a result of digitalization of health and heart failure care


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