National Park de Hoge Veluwe

Hoge Veluwe (Marchantplein)

3 July 2020 - 9 August 2020

On July 3rd, the GEM Tower was officially opened at the National Park de Hoge Veluwe, the Netherlands. The King's commissioner of the state of Gelderland, John Berends, and the director of the National Park, Seger van Voorst tot Voorst, connected the GEM Tower to the grid in a small ceremony.

The GEM Tower is located at the Marchantplein in the center of the Park until August 9th 2020. The GEM Tower will provide power to the cinema, food truck, the electric bicycles and the Streekmarkt that are situated in the square around GEM.

In addition, visitors can charge their electric bicycle and mobile phone with the energy of the GEM tower. In the cinema people can watch videos about the Park and GEM. Visitors can also take a special walk, namely the Tower Walk, which starts on the square near one tower (GEM) and goes to the other tower of the Park (Jachthuis Sint Hubertus). Along the way people can follow the route with QR codes where they will learn everything about the sustainability in the Park.

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