GEM panel @ ESNS Conference 2022: The Future of a Stage


On Thursday, January 20th at 4 PM, GEM is hosting a panel at the Eurosonic/Noorderslag Conference 2022. During this panel, the future of power supply at festivals will be discussed with Max Aerts (DENS), Brenda Dobrovicsova (Rock for People), Floor van Schie (TU Eindhoven), Stijn van Belleghem (VRT - STuBru) and Rob van Wegen (GEM Tour manager). Jan Douwe Kroeske (Double 2) is hosting the panel.  

In summer 2021, the GEM-tower was turned into the GEM-stage. In addition to solar and wind energy, the stage now also runs on hydrogen. With this new energy source, the stage can provide the energy that is needed for a live show, up to eight hours, under any weather condition. The GEM-stage was first used during Kingsday (NL) and Boomtown Ghent (BE). For 2022, the idea is to host a European tour. In the panel on Thursday, the participants will discuss the possibilities of a green stage and the future of power supply. 

Due to COVID-19, the conference will be held online. For tickets and more information about ESNS and the conference program, please visit


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