CAMA conference postponed

The QCAP partners will present the latest research results and the potential of innovative interactive storage technology for the international postharvest community at the next XIIIth International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Research Conference (CAMA). Unfortunately it is not yet clear when this meeting will take place, due to the Corona crisis.

The conference will be organised by the staff of the MeBioS Postharvest group of KU Leuven and the Flanders Centre of Postharvest Technology, a partner in the QCAP-project, in close collaboration with the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). During this 4-days event, ample opportunities are provided for presenting fundamental and applied research and technical innovations, as well as discussions with international experts from academia and industry, exhibiting products and services, participating in social events and joining technical tours. With the theme ‘Fast Forward to a Fresh Future’  the conference will create a unique exchange forum for discussing recent progress in scientific knowledge and industrial development of controlled and modified atmosphere technology for fruit and vegetables.

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