6th RSC + RAC + WP Meeting 2022, Ulster University, UK


19 January 2022 - 20 January 2022

6th meeting of REAMIT Advisory Committee, Work Packages and REAMIT Steering Committee.

Online meeting hosted by Ulster University.     

Date and Time: Wednesday 19th – Thursday 20th of January 2022.

Time zone: GMT  

Venue: Intelligent Systems Research Centre (MS building), Ulster University, Strand Road, Londonderry, BT48 7JL, Northern Ireland

Day 1 and 2 meeting room virtual address:  TBC

The 6th REAMIT Advisory Committee, Work Packages and Steering Committee meeting on 19 -20 January 2022, will be online and no longer take place in Derry, Northern Ireland, and will be hosted by Ulster University, partner of the REAMIT Project.

All REAMIT Partners and Associate Partners are invited to take part in these 2-day meetings.

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