Sligo SEC is part of a national network of community teams leading local energy projects. The Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) network is made up of a growing national movement of over 300 communities.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) are supporting these communities to learn, plan and complete energy projects to help Ireland transition to a low carbon future. The Sligo SEC team, led by IT Sligo, have developed an Energy Master Plan (EMP) for the local community which will help them plan projects to reduce energy costs, make homes more comfortable and help mitigate climate change.
This event is tailored for homes and businesses planning energy upgrades for 2020. This event will outline various Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) grants available and how home/businesses can be part of a community energy project.
Stevie Donnelly and Mel Gavin will outline home upgrade options and SEAI grant schemes. CLAR ICH is seeking for homeowners and businesses to join their 2020 Community Energy Project. Sligo Credit Union will illustrate their home upgrade loan options and Allied Irish Banks (AIB) will showcased their new 2.5% 5 Year Fixed Green Mortgage for B3 to A1 Energy Rated Homes.