The seminar "Renewable Energy Networks – a playground for Applied Theoretical Physics" will be presented on Wednesday October 7 at CERN in Switzerland. Renewables and their integration with the power grid is a global challenge transcending traditional engineering boundaries, which requires an increasingly interdisciplinary expertise and approach.
RED WoLF itself has been designed and is run by physicists, applied mathematicians and computer scientists, together with colleagues bringing social and policy expertise. The RED WoLF algorithm itself, determining the most convenient time for storing energy in chemical and thermal form, is based on nonlinear principles and deals with uncertainty in an original way. Uncertainty in a renewables-based energy system stems from both environmental conditions and human behavior.
Our Pilots, almost ready to start, will provide an unprecedented database on the functioning mode of AI-driven dwellings with renewable generation and storage.
Thanks to Giorgio Cotto, Universita' di Torino, for highlighting this event.