Our lead partner Giuseppe Colantuono from Leeds Beckett University discussed with Eric Rondeau and Jean-Philippe Georges from Université de Lorraine as well as Sylvain Kubler from the Research Center for Automatic Control (CRAN) at Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France the algorithms and architecture of RED WoLF. Giuseppe shared with Partners the first draft ("beta version", in the softare jargon) of the Matlab algorithm designed at Leeds Beckett University.
The communication/networking structure, to be built by UoL around the algorithm in order to drive the RED WoLF equipment (storage heaters/batteries/water boiler), as well as the algorithm's input/outputs, were discussed.
On the third day of the meeting, Geert Verhoeven, from Belgian Partner Volta, joined, to share knowledge regarding e thelectrical engineering compatibility of the algorithm and control system under development.
Development of Algorithm and Architecture Hosted by French Partner University of Lorraine