Apeldoorn launches local repair platform against e-waste

‘Heel Apeldoorn Repareert’ facilitates tips, success stories and repair network

On Saturday, March 26, the local repair platform ‘Heel Apeldoorn Repareert’ (all of Apeldoorn repairs) was launched as part of the Interreg NWE project SHAREPAIR.

Visitors were treated with an interesting program filled with workshops and were informed about the importance of repairing electrical devices.

Why repair?

Electrical devices are one of the fastest growing waste streams in the EU, and keep on growing 3 to 5% on a yearly basis. For the municipality of Apeldoorn, the goal is to reduce the amount of e-waste by 175 tons per year. The local repair platform, Heel Apeldoorn Repareert, facilitates DIY repair tips, success stories, but also a map of professional repair centers and repair cafés.

Besides offering information to citizens, an important goal for the SHAREPAIR project, is the lobby towards manufacturers. Project coordinator Carla Fransen explains: “We are registering as much data as possible about repairs. This we don’t only do in Apeldoorn, but our project partners, for example in Belgium and Germany, do this too. This information allows us to collect a significant amount of data that helps us confront manufacturers with their responsibilities in making devices more suitable to repair. By doing so, together we work on achieving European goals regarding circularity.”

Festive launching event

The Repair Day was held at Foenix, a sustainable business with permanent Repair Café.

Visitors were informed about repair by Foenix’ managing director, as well as municipality alderman Detlev Cziesso who opened the platform officially.

As actions speak louder than words, people could join three different workshops:

  • 3D printing – showing how 3D printing can help by recreating obsolete parts
  • Repair your coffee machine
  • Showing a circular lamp made of recycled material

One of the participants was a volunteer working at a neighboring Repair Café. He explained: “Prevention is better than cure. People often don’t descale their coffee machine!”. One of the most-given tips is to maintain electrical devices in the way they should. This extends their lifecycle. Should they still break: repair it!

More info on www.heelapeldoornrepareert.nl.

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