How We Celebrated Repair Day 2020

Here’s how we celebrated this year

Some groups managed to hold community repair events in person. In Barcelona, Oslo, Milan, and Queensland, Australia fixers came together to celebrate repair and get back to fixing their essential items. Germany, Switzerland and Belgium were the countries with the highest numbers of in-person events.

Repair was everywhere in Leuven, Belgium, including events for kids, “circular” walks, a repair cafe by appointment and workshops for volunteer repairers. Here, the community also came together for a socially-distanced action to raise awareness for the right to repair!

In London, Repair Day this year inspired the very first “Repair Week”. This brought together local authorities, waste authorities, businesses and the charity sector. The Restart Project marked the day celebrating the essential role played by repair businesses. With a mix of online and in-person activities, volunteers researched 47 businesses across South East, South West and Central London to be added to their Repair Directory of reliable repairers of electrical and electronic devices.

Celebrating Repair Day online

Across the world, people shared the important message that Repair is Essential, this year in more languages than ever before. 

Repair enthusiasts also shared at home and DIY repairs on social media and helped spread the message that repair is essential.

Repairers all over the world were also able to virtually join in Fixit Clinic and Lund University’s “intergalactic” event via Zoom. Additionally, online repair events from Madrid to Bangalore gave people a chance to get involved, including school children.

Kicking off Heroes of Repair

Right to Repair Europe celebrated the day by launching the Heroes of Repair campaign, which aims to highlight the everyday and often unseen repairers who are constantly working to build a more sustainable and fairer repair economy.

Additional endorsements for Repair Day came from non-profit organisations. Politicians celebrated repair too, including Member of European Parliament Anna Cavazzini, pushing for right to repair at European level, and Italian Member of Parliament Ilaria Fontana, behind a proposed new national law on repair.  

Increasing awareness in the media

It seems that Repair Day was the push that many needed to write about the importance of the repair. All across Europe, media outlets and blogs shared articles on how to start repairing, ownership rights, and the right to repair. Mentions included: Wired Italia, Forbes, Huffington Post UK, Western Mail, Factory 2.0, and

Even in the audio sphere, Times Radio talked to Janet Gunter from The Restart Project and Shamil Twaleb of London audio repair business, Armstrong Audio about their work and why repair needs to be supported and celebrated.

What’s next?

In 2021, Repair Day will fall on Saturday 16th October. You can sign up for updates here. We hope that by then we will be able to get together and celebrate more in-person. In the mean time, let’s keep repairing and spreading our message in the new and innovative ways that we’ve seen this year!

Want to find out more?

More info about Repair Day 2020 through the Open Repair website.

Repair Day 2020

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