ShaRepair General Assembly

We finally met each other in real life at the General Assembly in Delft. After almost 2 years online meetings, meetups and workshops, all project partners could work together to make SHAREPAIR work.

It was amazing to see all of them, and the energy to make a success out of SHAREPAIR.

On Monday (November 8) we had some very nice workshops discussing how to reach the repair communities with and roll out the tools we are developing. In the afternoon, the data platform and Urban Resource Communities were further discussed. In the evening we all got together at Huzsar to have a walking dinner.

On Tuesday (November 9) there were some more workshops on 3D printing for Repair, communication and reaching out to the cities, and last but not least reaching out to policy makers. To end the General Assembly, we had a nice tour at the TU Delft campus and had a small look inside the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.

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