Votes at EU level

EU reacts positively

During the months of October and November 2020, Repair&Share has worked hard together with its partners from the Right to Repair Europe Campaign in order to keep the pressure high at EU level to ensure an ambitious Right to Repair. More specifically, Repair&Share focussed on two EU initiatives, where contacts with Belgian stakeholders and politicians were made to guarantee a vote with a positive outcome:

  • Ecodesign omnibus amendments, where some ambitious requirements on the availability of spare parts (from 2018) were threatened to be watered down.
  • A report from the European Parliament ‘Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers (2020/2021(INI))’ where e.g. an amendment was questioning the need for a mandatory scoring system for repair.


We congratulate ourselves that the votes on those two initiatives have eventually turned out to be in line with our demands for a Right to Repair.

You’ll find more background information on our website, in Dutch.

Do you need more information?

Please contact Aline Maigret from Repair&Share at

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