Final Conference SMART-SPACE | Smart Lighting


20 January 2022 - 20 January 2022

Final Conference SMART-SPACE: Smart Lighting

The SMART-SPACE project partners are happy to welcome you to their online final event on Thursday 20th January 2022, which replaces the earlier planned live conference on 18th November, due to the detoriating COVID situation.



10:00  Welcome 
The value of smart lighting
  • Keynote speaker: A cities’ guide to smart lighting: a white paper from cities for cities, about the why and how behind smart lighting
    by Dr. Ir. Philip Ross
  • Making smart urban lighting work in cities 
    by Dr. Ir. Rianne Valkenburg and Dr. Ir. Elke den Ouden (TU/e Lighthouse)
  • Q&A

Showcasing the pilot projects

  • Video of the SMART-SPACE pilot projects
  • Testimonials & Lessons learned
  • Q&A
11:30 Coffee break

Energy saving and citizen’s perspective

  • Citizen’s perspective: a toolbox to understand how citizens experience smart urban lighting?
    by Sila Akman Aşık (TU/e, University of Technology Eindhoven)
  • A brief analysis on energy consumption and GHG emission reduction of public smart lighting
    by Dr. Aytaç Gören (University Picardie Jules Vernes)
  • Q&A

Does light bring us together? Building the network and sharing the lessons learned

  • SMART-SPACE Knowledge Centre
    by Mark Burton-Page, General Director, LUCI Association



Thursday 20 January 2022, 10:00 - 12:30 (CET)

Location and directions
Online (link will be provided a couple of days before the event, after registration)

To attend this free conference, registration is required before Monday 17 January 2022 via the platform Eventbrite: click here



  • SMART-SPACE brings together end-users (cities/citizens) and innovation stakeholders (research institutes, SMEs, enterprises) from NL, BE, FR and IE to jointly facilitate the uptake of smart lighting to reduce energy consumption, CO2 emission and to enhance the liveability of public spaces in small/mid-size municipalities. Until now implementation occurred mainly in small scale pilot projects, indicating that to reach the low carbon objectives requires a strong, transnational collaboration to move beyond piecemeal solutions.

    Stad Oostende, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Spie Infratechniek, Stad Sint-Niklaas, Stad Middelburg, Comhairle Contae Thiobraid Arann, Intemo Special Products, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Innovation LAB, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Intelligent Lighting Instituut, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, LUCI – Lighting Urban Community International, Fluvius

For more information about SMART-SPACE, please contact Kristof Verhoest by email:

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