On May 19, 2022, the ST4W project partner Ports of Lille had the pleasure of welcoming the delegation Mr Peter BALAZS, European Coordinator of the TEN-T North Sea - Mediterranean Corridor. It was an opportunity to present the results of ST4W project and to highlight the importance of partnerships and knowledge-sharing among Interreg program partners.
“The cooperation between inland ports, researchers, transporters, supply chain managers and transport professionals across Europe is an exceptional source of knowledge, innovation, and new initiatives. We are more than happy to contribute to the promotion of multimodal urban distribution together with our European partners.”, said Mr Alain LEFEBVRE, CEO of Ports of Lille.
On this occasion, the European delegation visited multimodal container terminals in Lille and Santes, as well as the Urban Multimodal Distribution Center (CMDU) constructed on the premises of Ports of Lille in 2015.