Interreg – European Union selected the RAWFILL project for a site visit during its Interreg Annual Event

Interreg selected RAWFILL project for a site visit during its Interreg Annual Event on 19th June 2018. The site chosen is the landfill of Onoz, located in the Walloon Region, Belgium.

The meeting hosted more than 20 participants from different European institutions: representatives from the European Commission, Managing authorities from different European countries, the Joint Secretariat of Interreg NWE and Wallonia Brussels International.

During the first part of the event, project partners presented the project, the results expected and the project progress. The Lead partner – SPAQUE informed participants about the outcomes of the project, the project partners, the budget and the Work plan. Then, participants get acquainted with the Enhanced Landfill Inventory Framework (ELIF) presented by ATRASOL, the link between the territorial strategy and the ELIF presented by SPAQUE, the decision support tool that will be developed within the project presented by OVAM and a review of the contribution of geophysical methods for managing past landfills presented by the University of Liège. Finally, the outcomes of the geophysical investigations performed on the landfill of Onoz by the University of Liège, were also presented. At the end, participants had the opportunity to see how the geophysical investigations work in real conditions and visited the site.

The site of Onoz is a former quarry at Jemepe-sur-Sambre. According to the existing information for the site, it contains valuable materials, such as lime, ashes and plastics. Thanks to the study of the history of the site, the number of the drillings could be reduced and thus, the price of the characterisation. Moreover, the results of the geophysical investigations could be validated too.

The site visit of the landfill of Onoz was largely disseminated by several media from Wallonia:
- Le Soir 
- La Nouvelle Gazette

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