The 2nd ELFM Seminar in the European Parliament took place on November 20, 2018. More than 50 directly involved stakeholders from the European Parliament, the European Commission, regional Public Bodies, industry and academia interactively debated the need to develop a clear vision on the management and mining of Europe’s 500,000+ landfills.
The 5 lessons learned of the seminar can be found here.
- Lesson learned #1: The ELFM Amendment of the Landfill Directive was rejected by the European Council in May 2017.
- Lesson learned #2: The participants agreed that the EU Landfill Directive has a number of blind spots. It has no bearing on the majority of Europe’s 500,000 landfills that predate the Directive and has no answer for the long-term liabilities.
- Lesson learned #3: There was a consensus that the way forward is to prioritize the incorporation of the more comprehensive, multi-phased concept of Dynamic Landfill Management into European legislation rather than focusing only Enhanced Landfill Mining.
- Lesson learned #4: It was agreed that a comprehensive definition of the concept Dynamic Landfill Management (DLM) is needed. The task to develop a broadly-supported definition for DLM is given to the COCOON team.
- Lesson learned #5: It was agreed that Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM) remains a highly valuable concept, albeit as one specific, more advanced component within the broader DLM concept.
You can read the whole policy brief here.