What is the impact of insect rearing in terms of greenhouse gasses emissions? That’s the question our partners, Inagro and the Fontys University, have set out to answer.
To accurately measure the emissions of CO2 emitted by the rearing of insects, an accumulation chamber has been set-up, with its first version having been created by the Fontys University and tested by Inagro.
After this first phase, our partners have been able to identify some issues and, therefore, for the second version of the accumulation chamber, some few enhancements have been added:
- An extra CO2 sensor has been added as to measure also in the lower concentration.
- As the temperature and humidity where not controllable and not constant in the first version of the chamber, temperature and humidity control has been added to keep the climate inside the chamber constant and without air exchange.
- Last but not least, four cameras were added to monitor the complete breeding box placed inside the chamber: