VR4REHAB annnounces the Hackathon for Covid Rehab

Virtual event

17 May 2021 - 21 May 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic that struck the world last year is still spreading rapidly across the globe, putting a strain on the health care system. Currently, there are 22,106,557 Covid-19 infected patients in need of some specific rehabilitation therapies.

VR4REHAB organizes an audition process that will see some of Europe’s best developers compete to create products that use virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital technology to help rehabilitate people who have suffered from Covid-19.


Are you ready for the new VR4REHAB challenge?

Whether you are on your own or with an already formed team you have the opportunity to participate in our virtual Hackathon, 17-21 May 2021.

The ideas generated during the Hackathon will be evaluated during the pitches on the final day.

The winning ideas will move to the Dev Jam phase in which the ideas will be worked out into concepts. This phase will last from May till August 2021.

In the Challenge phase, the three best concepts will receive financial support to turn them into innovative XR solutions for Covid-19 rehabilitation and ‘Long Covid’.


Discover the programme of the event here

Register your Team here

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