Preparation of the UK Game Jam - Programme

After the Christmas Holidays, VR4REHAB will be back with the event "Preparation of the UK Game Jam". It will take place at the Teesside University, Darlington Campus (Darlington DL1 1JW) on Tuesday, Jan. 15 and Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019.

The event will be focussed on two clinical themes: Pain management and Engagement and immersion to promote treatment adherence.


Tuesday - 15 Jan. 2019

3.00 Registration

3.30 Introduction to the event & criteria for further success. Denis Martin

4.00 Important issues in pain management & space for virtual reality Denis Martin

4.30 Important issues in adherence to therapy & space for virtual reality Dido Green

5.00 Intellectual property Geoff Archer

5.30 Opportunities for external funding for innovation and research Zulf Ali

6.00 Dinner + Advisory clinics for business on engaging with pain management and adherence themes

7.00 Ideation sessions for theme teams + coaching

8.00 Summary

8.30 Finish


Wednesday - 16 Jan. 2019

8.00 Ideation sessions for theme teams + coaching

9.00 Presentations of ideas by theme teams

10.00 Open discussion of technical support opportunities Denis Martin

10.30 Breakout into theme teams: needs analysis of technical support

11.30 Presentation of technical support needs by theme teams

12 Lunch

1.00 Ideas for evaluation Dido Green

1.30 Business planning Gilly Hall

2.00 Breakout into theme teams: evaluation and business planning

3.00 Presentation of progress towards criteria for success with feedback from the jury

4.00 Summary and next step

4.30 Finish



Teesside University

Darlington Campus Floor 4

Darlington DL1 1JW

Click here and check the map of the Teesside University - Darlington Campus

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