Oil from sewage - the first installation in the Netherlands!

At the beginning of 2021, the first pyrolysis plant in the Netherlands will be opened in Ede, which orders usable raw materials from sewage water. Namely the cellulose pilot of the WOW! project. In the installation that Pulsed Heat has built together with Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe and Cirtec, the cellulose in sewage water is upgraded to oil, acid fraction, gas and coal. Pulsed Heat is responsible for upgrading the residual flows, they are happy to tell you more about their role in the WOW! project.

Rinus van Praag of Pulsed Heat: “Within the cellulose pilot of WOW! we are the supplier of screenings dewatering, drying and subsequent pyrolysis. With our installations and equipment, wastewater is rated according to oil, an aqueous acid, gas and coal. It is the first installation in the Netherlands to extract oil from sewage water. And we are quite proud of that”.

Within the Cellulose pilot, Pulsed Heat works together with Waterschap Vallei Veluwe (WVV) and CirTec. Van Praag: "Our activities fit together perfectly and that means that we can produce valuable products." WVV facilitates, among other things, the architectural facilities in Ede. Cirtec produces the wet screenings. And Pulsed Heat follows up by processing the wet screen material into (circular and biobased) products:

- a carbon-rich char that will be used to rid wastewater of medicine residues
- an oil that is used as fuel
- an aqueous acid, which will be used as food for bacteria in the purification process
- a gas that provides the energy to dry the screenings

The core of the circular economy
This solution can be applied to many sludge-producing companies / waterboards and ensures that waste and residual flows are used for valuable products. Van Praag: “This is the core of a circular economy and fits seamlessly with the Dutch government's objectives, but also with the Paris climate contract! We think it is great to be able to contribute to this”.

More information about the official opening of the cellulose pilot will follow soon. Follow the news on the WOW! website! Do you have any questions about this topic? Mail to Rinus van Praag, Pulsed Heat, rinus.vanpraag@pulsedheat.com

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