15 proposals received in the first call for capitalisation!

The first call for capitalisation organised by the NWE Programme received 15 applications! The Joint Secretariat will now assess them and the Monitoring Committee will take the approval decisions in February 2020.

The programme received applications from the three priorities:

  • Priority 1 (Innovation): 7 applications.
  • Priority 2 (Low carbon): 6 applications.
  • Priority 3 (Resource and materials efficiency): 2 applications. 

The call for capitalisation was open to projects approved in calls 1 to 4 and targeted initiatives which have had a solid ground for additional activities and where continuation of cooperation can bring significant added value. The call was organised in the framework of the programme's capitalisation strategy, which comprises the development of various tools and activities aiming to maximise the impact of project results.

Project applications per theme



More about priority 1

Low carbon


More about priority 2

Resource & materials efficiency


More about priority 3

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