69 project proposals received in call 8!

The eighth call for project proposals received 69 applications! The Joint Secretariat will now assess them and the Monitoring Committee will decide in February 2019 which of them will go to step 2.

Reducing disparities between regions

Interreg NWE is one of instruments to implement the European Cohesion Policy. Its purpose is to reduce disparities between the various regions in North-West Europe. The EU's most recent treaty, the Lisbon Treaty, adds another facet to cohesion, referring to ‘economic, social and territorial cohesion’. The idea is that cohesion policy should also promote more balanced, more sustainable ‘territorial development’.

In the 2014-2020 budgetary period, the links between cohesion policy and the other EU policies contributing to regional development are stronger, namely rural development and fisheries and maritime policy.

Transnational Cooperation as a method

We support cooperation across borders in a large European area: North-West Europe. For that, we fund projects involving partners from at least 3 different countries with a joint approach to tackle common issues. The aim is to reduce the disparities among regions and raise the overall level of performance across the whole area.

Project applications per theme



More about priority 1

Low carbon


More about priority 2

Resource & materials efficiency


More about priority 3

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