Apply now! Interreg NWE 2nd call for capitalisation is open

The Interreg North-West Europe Programme’s second call for capitalisation initiatives is now open. A webinar was organised on Thursday 5 November to present in detail the aspects and specificities of this call.

The call “Maximising project impact” targets existing project partnerships which have a solid ground for additional activities and where continuation of cooperation brings significant added value. This is the last funding opportunity of the 2014-2020 programming period.

The second call is open to all NWE projects from calls 1 to 9, as well as the targeted call on renewable energy, whose proposals have not been approved in the first call for capitalisation. This includes both running and closed NWE approved projects from all three priorities. It also includes projects which were not approved in the first call for capitalisation.


Proposals for capitalisation initiatives should stem from a well performing and successful project, with solid results to showcase. They should build on existing results (foreseen or unforeseen) that have a strong potential for further uptake and roll-out throughout NWE - and potentially in the rest of the EU.

Based on successful project results, three main directions can be taken by capitalisation initiatives:

  1. new geographical areas within NWE
  2. new type of target group/type of stakeholders
  3. new economic sector

Please refer to the Terms of Reference to find all specific details.


In order to better achieve their results and impact, existing project partnerships can be adapted or modified.

Projects are encouraged to include new partners in order to better reach the relevant territories, target audiences or economic sectors aimed for. These new partners will need to show how they can add value with their skills and knowledge, to leverage the project results obtained so far and enhance territorial impact in NWE.

New partners can come from other projects funded by the NWE programme or from other ETC programmes, thus creating synergies between existing territorial cooperation projects. They can also be stakeholders involved in other EU programmes (e.g. regional ERDF / ESF, H2020, LIFE…) or not involved in any EU project.

Budget and timeline

A total of 26M EUR is available for this second call for capitalisation.

The call is open as of the 12th October 2020 and will follow the timeline outlined below:

  • 12 October 2020: opening of the second call for capitalisation.
  • 5 November 2020: capitalisation call webinar.
  • 29 January 2021 (12:00 noon CET): closure of call 2 followed by JS assessment.
  • 24 March 2020: Monitoring Committee's decisions on the submitted proposals.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted using the application form (available below) by email to at the latest by Friday 29 January 2021, 12.00 pm (noon) CET.

The title of the email should include the initial project acronym, as well as the initial project number.

The applicant will receive a message acknowledging receipt of the application.

Where to get support

Continuous assistance will be provided by the Interreg NWE network of Contact Points during the phase of project development. They will be available to help you out in developing your capitalisation initiative and answering all questions you may have on the application process.

All contact details can be found here.

With the aim to support you in sharing and developing your idea by exchanging with peers, and potentially in finding additional partners, the Programme created a dedicated LinkedIn group.

Watch the recording of our webinar on the 2nd call for capitalisation!

Click here to download the speakers' presentations. 

During this one-hour-and-half online event:

  • Team members from the Joint Secretariat and our network of Contact Points explain what the Programme is looking for in this call and detail the main features of the call as well as the reference documents
  • Successful projects in the first call (cVPP, UV-ROBOT) share their experience along with hints & tips for potential applicants
  • Questions from participants are answered live
  • Information on how to get support in the application process is provided

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