Project Summary

CHIPS (Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People Transport and Spatial Planning) will develop and promote cycle highways as an effective and cost efficient low carbon solution for commuting towards and from urban employment poles. CHIPS will demonstrate that, especially in combination with the growing number of e-bikes, cycle highway innovation can effectively get commuters out of their cars.

Project partners from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK will develop solutions that will help regions and mobility stakeholders to:

  • Position cycle highways as a new mobility product
  • Overcome physical and behavioural barriers that keep commuters from using cycle highways
  • Maximize synergies between cycle highways and trains, buses and cars
  • Upgrade cycle highways to key structuring elements in future spatial planning
  • Monitor performance and assess impact

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CHIPS Linkedin Group

Project Partners

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
Provincie Vlaams-Brabant 1 Provincieplein
Name Contact Name Email Country
Provincie Gelderland Frank Eggen Netherlands
Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain Reinhard Henke Germany
Regionalverband Ruhr Thomas Pott Germany
Verband Region Rhein-Neckar Klemens Groeger Germany
European Cyclists’ Federation Aleksander Buczyński Belgium
Flanders’ Bike Valley vzw Bert Celis Belgium
Sustrans Gordon Clarke United Kingdom
Stichting NHTV internationale hogeschool Breda Joost de Kruijf Netherlands


Velo-city day 2: Cycle Highways Innovation

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The liveability and attractiveness of a city can be improved by smarter transport choices. A change from car-dependent lifestyles towards less polluting transporting modes, such as cycling, is needed, and cycle highways can be part of the solution. How can governments plan and build the best cycle highways? How can they monitor the impact of their investments and encourage more cycling? Read More

Provisions for cyclists in the European directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management

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One of the key elements of the 3rd Mobility Package launched by the European Commission on May 17th is a proposal for amending the Road Infrastructure Safety Management directive (2008/96/EC, also known as the RISM directive). The directive currently defines procedures that were supposed to ensure safety of the trans-European road infrastructure (TEN-T) but up until now were focused nearly exclusive on safety of car-occupants. Read More

Public Events

Cycle Highway Academies

Video on the Cycle Highway Definition

A Cycle Highway is a mobility product that provides a high quality functional cycling connection. As backbone of a cycle network, it connects cities and or suburbs, residential areas and major (work)places and it satisfies its (potential) users.

A definition of a Cycle Highway according to CHIPS

The 4 phases of the Life Cycle Highway

The Life Cycle Highway Explained

The CHIPS project partners have created a four-stage approach to develop cycle highways.

tage 1 PLAN involves planning the cycle highway where the focus is on the potential use of the new infrastructure and the impact for the region. A cycle highway facilitates citizens to move by bicycle from one place to another. It connects residential areas with business districts, city centers or transportation hubs. To determine the right location and make the right connection a calculation of the expected use is needed, taking into account the future developments to plan a future proof cycle highway. The virtual planning tool is one of the useful tools of this stage.


In the second DESIGN AND BUILD stage different criteria are distinguished to design a cycle highway. The challenge is to design the best suitable cycle highway for that specific location. Therefor different criteria such as attractiveness, wayfinding, size and directness have to be taken into account. Guidelines for the infrastructure and best practices of cycle facilities can be used for this stage.


Stage 3 SELL focus on promoting the cycle highways by using different campaigns. Communication and campaigns will help to stimulate (new) cyclists to use the cycle highway. Commuters are the main target group. The engagement of employers is key to reach the commuters and create a modal shift from car to (e)-bike. How do you brand and sell the cycle highway?


In the last stage EVALUATE the use of the cycle highway is monitored to get insights in the effects of the development. Are people using the new cycle infrastructure? There are several methods to collect data about the use of the infrastructure. By monitoring the use the effect on CO2 reduction can be calculated.

Introduction to CHIPS

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