The use of recycled materials will have to increase significantly in the coming years. To accelerate this, it is important to make the processing of recyclate as simple as possible. This requires intelligent and digital tools.
As part of the EU Interreg funding program Di-Plast, we are developing such digital instruments to simplify the use of recyclate in the construction and packaging sector. With the help of four pilot projects, in which different companies from the entire plastics chain can work together, the tools will be verified and further developed. After the pilot phase, the tools will become more widely available to the plastics industry.
On Tuesday, 17 September 2019, starting at 14:00, an interactive workshop will be held at the Polymer Science Park in Zwolle to further develop the tools and associated pilots. From 16:30, there will be a networking moment.
During the workshop, plastics processing companies will have the opportunity to indicate which tools they need and what they should look like. We cordially invite you to talk to all consortium partners and indicate your wishes. This workshop is as well meant to see if you want to be eligible for a pilot project.
The workshop can also be joined online by video conferencing. A detailed agenda will be sent to the registered companies in due time. If you are interested in digital tools related to the use of recyclate, please register by sending an e-mail to:
- Martijn Kerssen (OostNL: or Femke de Loos (Polymer Science Park: à Workshop in Zwolle
- Jeff Mangers (University of Luxembourg: à general information Luxembourg