Guide to Integrating 4DHC with Energy Efficiency Retrofitting

This guide aims at helping stakeholders across NWE overcoming barriers to implementing 4th Generation DHC (4GDHC) solutions in existing buildings which are undergoing retrofitting. It outlines the key advantages and disadvantages of connecting buildings to 4DHC rather than other individual heating solutions, and a cost comparison of these options, in order for the stakeholder to understand why they should consider a DHC connection when retrofitting a building.

This guide includes information on connection of energy efficient buildings to 4DHC, both from perspective of the DH provider and the building owner. It shows how buildings having high-energy efficiency are suitable for 4GDHC and how they can connect to existing higher temperature DH systems, and also how some existing buildings may not need much retrofitting to allow 4GDHC supply.

The guide also outlines issues with low temperature supply like legionella risks, and how to optimise 4GDHC connections to ensure best efficiencies are achieved.

Download this guide via the link below!


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