The RED WoLF team publishes the project's results

Landmark results


  1. Savings of CO2 in dwellings (Project Main Outputs T1.3, I10.2 and I11.2 combined, contributing to Programme Output Indicator CO34): At the end of the Interreg NWE funding phase (January 2019-September 2023) RED WoLF is saving 246 metric tonnes of CO2 per year across 95 dwellings in Ireland, UK, Luxembourg and France.These dwellings consist of houses and flats. This result should be compared with the objective of the Application Form, that aimed at saving 215  metric tonnes of CO2 per year across 100 dwellings. 
  2. Creation of the Hybrid Storage System (HSS) low carbon technology, encompassing 3 existing low carbon technologies (Project Main Output T1.1, contributing to Programme Output Indicator 3.01): The HSS technology has been created by combining (through AI) batteries, PV and "night" storage heaters. The SSD (Smart Storage Driver)
  3. Extension of HSS (the RED WoLF energy system) to Education/training (Project Main Output T4.1): The HSS technology has been extended to academic/training/commercial building through the Capitalization Work Package and the successful Sligo Pilot. Inclusion of heat pumps in the AI-managed HSS has been also achieved, in Sligo and in the residential Luxembourg Pilot
  4. Enterprises cooperating with with universities for better integration of homes and the power grid (Project Main Output T1.23, contributing to Programme indicator CO26): Across all RED WoLF Work Packages and Pilots, >50 enterprises (Project Partners, contractors and stakeholders) have cooperated with universities to achieve homes-grid integration
  5. Target Groups: RED WoLF development and implementation and  has reached over 260 enterprises and more than 100 public authorities across NWE and outside.
  6. Communication; dissemination aimed at Long Term effects: The News and the Events Sections on this website contain exhaustive documentation upon dissemination and communication results achieved across the RED WoLF funded lifespan 01/2019 - 09/2023. Six peer-reviewed papers have been published so far on high impact Elsevier journals (more are coming).


Budget summary

The RED WoLF Partnership has spent 87% of the awarded total budget of € 7,396,138. This budget resulted from two awards, made on January 2019 and on April 2021 to the proposals written by LP Giuseppe Colantuono in consultation with the Contact Points of the Partner Organizations.

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