How to build Renewable Energy Partnerships?
From 5 to 6 June 2019, 28 representatives from seven North-West European countries representing metropolitan regions, cities, rural communities, regional authorities, scientific intuitions and renewable energy producers met in Waterford, Ireland, to work on preliminary guidelines for the development of regional renewable energy partnerships.
To this end, the project partners further developed the results of the first meeting of the working group in Brussels and defined initial guidelines. In accordance with the first step of the developed guidelines the project partners then dealt intensively with the various barriers (institutional, economic, etc.) for renewable energy partnerships and advised each other. Of course, they also exchanged on the many different opportunities the individual regional partnerships offer.
The guidelines support interested stakeholders in the design and development of regional partnerships for renewable energies and are divided into six steps. Each step consists of several cumulative, but non-compulsory activities that allow for an individual but structured approach. The developed preliminary guidelines will be further developed in the course of the project and finally made available to regions outside the project partnership.
The preliminary guidelines are presented in the RegEnergy Newsletter of July.