As part of the TRANSFORM-CE project, several case studies will be done to assess the conditions that foster the uptake of recycled plastic feedstock in (new) products. This document covers the results of the case study at Searious Business, based in the Netherlands. A total of 20 case studies will be done, each representing one product to be (re)designed with recycled plastic. In depth support will be given to five cases per country (The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom).
The Caribbean and the Pacific Islands are currently polluted by a lot of plastic waste. By setting up a local production plant, this plastic can be transformed into new products. A circular park bench is designed to be created out of this waste, which will be placed on the island’s beaches, parks and boulevards. The aim is to clearly show that the bench is made of recycled plastic; this has the advantage that there is no need to hide imperfections in the final product. The product stands out due to its design and the choice of materials, which is not a combination seen on the market yet. The concept allows for products to be made from local waste, for local applications. The product’s circularity goes beyond the use of recycled materials, as the product is designed for durability and can last up to 50 years. The product can be easily collected after many years of usage and is designed for disassembly. The recyclability allows for the materials to be transformed into new products after usage.
Read: Business support report: Searious Business